to playing this swf. game, you must have flash player version8 as a minimum version. if you don’t have flash player v.8 , you can download it here on flash games category’s page
untuk memainkan game swf ini,kamu perlu flash player minimal versi ke 8. kalau belum punya flash player v.8, kamu bisa mendownloadnya disini di halaman kategori flash game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this is like snake in mobile phone game. But, in this game,you can choose what your snake will be like. There is 99 snake skins that you can choose. And after that, you must controlling the snake to eat the snake skins and becarefull of your tail and the wall. You can save your game too!
Game ini mirip sama game snake yang ada di hp. Di game ini,kamu bias mengatur tampilan snake mu, ada 99 jenis kulit snake yang bias kamu pilih. Keren kan? Setelah itu,lw harus mengontrol snakenya untuk memakan kulit snake sehingga buntutnya tambah panjang. Hati2 dengan buntutmu,jangan sampai ditabrak. Game ini juga nyediain game saving
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