to playing this swf. game, you must have flash player version8 as a minimum version. if you don’t have flash player v.8 , you can download it here on flash games category’s page
untuk memainkan game swf ini,kamu perlu flash player minimal versi ke 8. kalau belum punya flash player v.8, kamu bisa mendownloadnya disini di halaman kategori flash game ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in this game,you are the caravaneer who walk to town from town. beware with the bandits all over the way in the road to another town! you can buy equipment,armor,food, weapon, and many more to support your caravaneer. and you can choose 5 kind of player,and this game providing story mode and death match mode too!
di game ini,kamu adalah seorang petualang yang membawa caravan dari kota ke kota. nah hati2 dengan penjahat2 disekitar jalan mnuju kota lainnya! kalau kamu bertemu dengan penjahat itu,maka kamu harus melawannya. game ini menyediakan 5 karakter pemain, dan menyediakan story mode dan death match mode!
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